
Asahi Pentax Screw Mount Cameras

The first Asahi pentaprism SLRSLR
Acronym of "Single Lens Reflex". See also "Reflex"
was called the Pentax, hence the Asahi Pentax lettering appeared for the first time on front pentaprism housing. The then new Pentacon M42x1 screw mount replaced the narrower M37x1 of the Asahiflex. Since the Pentax name was so nice and the camera so successful, the Pentax name was retained on all next models (which gained a model designation of their own) now the original model is also known as the AP.Sears, Roebuck & Co. continued selling Asahi cameras for a while, again under their brand name Tower. Then starting from 1959, the Heiland division of Minneapolis Honeywell became the exclusive distributor of Pentax products for USA. Honeywell also sold Asahi Pentax cameras with model designations different from those sold worldwide.

Since the name Pentax was registered by Pentacon in South Africa, Asahi sold their cameras with either Pentar or Asahiflex trade marks for some time, untill they could use Pentax.

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